
“To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse, That is the Question!” By Guest Writer Angie Berg

Colon cleansing has become somewhat of a fad these days. Some people swear by it while others say it’s simply an unnecessary waste of time. What’s the truth?
Let’s look at some of the pro’s and con’s of colon cleansing. Then you can decide for yourself if you think a natural colon cleanse would be beneficial to you and your health.
Our digestive tract was designed to process the food we eat and the water we drink in an efficient manner so that all of the organs of our body get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need to maintain optimum health. That is the ideal.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of us do not live in an ideal world. We are exposed to toxins everywhere we turn. We live busy lifestyles that call for quick and easy pre-packaged foods. We eat far more fat and sugar than our ancestors ever dreamed of, and healthy water is only a dim memory.
Is it any wonder that we suffer from a vast number of ailments at increasingly younger ages? Not really. Any machine that is not cared for properly will eventually seize up in one manner or another. The human body is much more magnificent than any man-made machine, but it still needs proper maintenance.
A man drove along in his perfectly good automobile year after year. He gave it gas when it needed it, ran it through the car wash regularly, and added oil every so often, too. One day as he was driving along he started noticing some irregular sounds in the engine. He dismissed it. Later he got a whiff of an unusual smell. He also noticed a red light had come on in the dash. Again, he tried to ignore it. One day steam started pouring out of the engine when he stopped for gas. He proceeded to fill the gas tank and hope the car would start running like it used to, back when it was newly purchased. Unfortunately, it wasn’t too long afterward that the poor man could be seen stranded along the side of the road waiting for the tow truck. The motor had seized, the transmission had overheated, and the car would cost more to repair than it was worth. What a foolish man! It all could have been prevented if he had paid attention and taken action when the first warning signals were given. If the man had chained the oil regularly, replaced the filters, flushed the transmission and practiced basic preventive maintenance the car would have served him well for many years to come.
Are we as foolish with the health of our bodies as this man was with his automobile? Do we ignore the warning signs that something isn’t quite right and needs attending?
Natural colon cleansing is one of the first and best options when it comes to preventive maintenance for the human body. I agree with those opponents of colon cleansing that the bowels and intestines and designed to cleanse themselves. But, with the overload of junk and the lack of good nutrition they’ve been given, I think good judgment and common sense demands that we give them a little help on a regular basis.
When the system gets bogged down and unable to function at its peak performance levels, little things start to go wrong. The body sends us signals in the form of headaches, constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, skin rashes, aching joints, and many similar ‘minor’ conditions.
If we ignore these signals, we shouldn’t be surprised when we are later diagnosed with more serious diseases like Diabetes, MS, Fibro myalgia, Irritable Bowels Syndrome, Chrones, and even Cancer.
Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote, “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems. In treating over 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.”
Good bowel health is vitally important. It’s through the lining of the intestines that many of the nutrients we need are absorbed and transferred to the blood and the rest of our organs. If the intestines are impacted or unhealthy from parasites and old fecal matter, the amount of nutrition your body can process is hindered, even if you are trying to eat ‘healthier’ foods.
A thorough yearly colon cleanse with fiber and herbs will flush out your system and allow the body to function more effectively. One of the best colon cleansers available today is Herbal Fiberblend. It is an all-natural blend of psyllium fiber and seventeen different anti-fungal and anti-parasitic herbs that work together to unclog and heal the digestive tract.
By giving yourself a good colon cleanse, you’ll find that your body will detoxify itself, leaving your skin more healthy and vibrant. Your chronic conditions will be eased and most likely vanish altogether. You may even be preventing a serious illness that you are currently heading directly towards.
I’ve told you some of the pro’s of natural colon cleansing, but what about the con’s? Colon cleansing costs you something. It costs you money to purchase the Herbal Fiberblend. It requires self discipline to take it faithfully twice a day. It may even cause you to wrinkle your nose at the strong herb taste. (I suggest mixing it with grape juice.) You may even feel worse before you start to feel better as you body goes through a period of detox.
Colon cleansing is by no means a miracle cure, but it gives the body the maintenance it needs so that it can do the healing job that it was designed to do.
Try Herbal Fiberblend and discover for yourself how good you can feel
Angie Berg is a natural health advocate and writer. She offers a free download of Teresa Schumacher’s bestselling book, “Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier and Healthier You” at her website

 A simple habit that can prolong your life….

I want you to start a very simple habit starting today….
This habit is so simple yet can go a very long way for good digestive health, which is the cornerstone for preventing so many diseases that we fear. Don’t place your health at risk…. try this…. 

Do this and I promise you’ll live a longer, healthier life. Every morning, make sure to end your meal with a piece of fruit. I don’t care if it’s a serving or a simple piece … just eat it. Get in the habit of doing this and it will do wonders for your body in the long run. This gets the digestive cycle going smoother for the rest of the day. 

People have also asked me any other ways to accelerate a cycle and another thing I like to do is to drink a glass of water with some sea salt in it. This can help as well occasionally.

Try it today. I gave you this piece of advice because I want you to take action right now. Always remember to eat that piece of fruit right at breakfast.

What to do when you’ve already had hemorrhoid surgery?

Just last week, I had a consultation with a client of mine  (name not revealed) who recently came out of a surgical procedure. The problem he was describing to me was that he lost some control over his sphincter. This can lead to several things and causes contraction of the anal muscles to malfunction.
What can he do?
I’ll be answerting this on behalf of many readers as I suspect the same may happen to some who go for the surgical route.
Always see if your doctor provides follow-up therapy for this. This means months (sometimes) of re-training the muscle so that it can get back in its original nervous shape hopefully. Exercise of the nerves is KEY.
The second thing to perform is to stimulate the area using various alternative “blood circulating” herbs. These can do wonders in the process.
I want to give you these two tips at first and I may dedicate a later post on this issue.  I also recommend some of the prevention techniques inside the hemorrhoid miracle system to be used in conjunction. These are the most ideal ways to help yourself transition through back to a state thart’s best as you can possibly make it.

Big eaters need to read this …. especially hemorrhoid sufferers

I’m about to go out and have some Thanksgiving dinner with my family… Mmmmmm, thinking of all the yumminess that will come to my stomach.

Stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy…. all the succulent good stuff! Now, the following applies to anyone who eats a huge meal without thinking about it. Just don’t forget a few things guys:

1. Drink a glass of water before you splurge. Trust me, this will regular how much you binge eat.
2. Take a walk sometime after you eat. It will definitely help your digestion
3. Make sure you eat slow and ENJOY! This regulates how you feel fullness. It also helps you from gaining
    excessive weight.

These are my tips to keep in mind…. because I myself am quite a binge eater - in the past and even today!
Ciao and seeya soon!

Natural Hemorrhoid Medicine & Medical Resources

Hope all’s well today!

I ran across this interesting little tool for those ever needing help with medical symptoms. I personally think it organizes better than Google or the main search engines even!

It’s called medgle:, Try it out and let me know what you think. I used it to help a client find out if they are really suffering from hemorrhoids or not and sure enough they were after checking in the symptoms. I then immediately suggested to them to use the natural approaches and not resort to surgery - once again another success story with Hemorrhoid Miracle’s cure.

This is coming from a patient who was suffering painful piles and had to quit her job as a receptionist because it got so unbearable sittingdown all day. Remember, in natural therapy… little things and habits matter such as what foods to eat, how you spend your day, etc.

Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees and try to look for this eternal solution when all it takes is a series of little known natural rememdies and a full adjust of habits. That’s it!

Treating Bowel Obstruction without Surgery

Causes of Bowel Obstruction

Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is usually caused by adhesions that occur in the small intestines (small bowels). Post-surgical adhesions are the leading cause of blockage in the small intestines; they cause 60% of all small bowel obstructions. SBO is quite prevalent, and it accounts for 20% of all acute surgical admissions in the USA.1

Adhesions and Bowel Obstruction
Adhesion formation in the small bowel is generally a gradual process. Adhesions form in the bowel after surgery, inflammation or infection, and can partially or totally block the intestines over time.
While total small bowel obstruction is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate hospitalization, recent data shows that partial bowel obstruction may be reversible by a program of physical therapy designed to decrease or eliminate adhesions. Thus, the progression to total obstruction and surgery may be delayed or eliminated by non-surgical means.

Adhesions formation is often a gradual process that occurs after a trauma, surgery, infection or inflammation.

Surgical Treatment May Cause Recurring Obstructions
Historically, partial bowel obstruction often led to total bowel obstruction, followed by emergency surgery. Since surgery is also the leading cause of bowel obstruction, many patients found themselves in an ongoing cycle of surgery-adhesions-surgery as both surgeon and patient tried to cope with the near-inevitable formation of adhesions after surgery. Surgeons use various methods to try to decrease reformation of adhesions, but ongoing studies yielding statistics like those above show that post-surgical adhesion prevention remains an elusive goal.

Non-Surgical Treatment: The Wurn Technique
A new manual physical therapy called the Wurn Technique is designed to reduce or eliminate adhesions. This therapy is helping people who suffer recurrent small bowel obstruction or abdominal adhesions break the cycle of surgery and adhesions, and return to a pain-free, functional lifestyle – without surgery.
Patient Shares Success Story